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Product Design

Visual Design

Concept Design

Digital Design

User Experience (user flow, personas, research)

User Interface Design & Prototyping

Responsive Web Design & Development with Webflow

UI & UX App Design


Logo Design & Brand Identity

Identity System

Print Design


Digital Painting

Vector Illustration

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for freelance and remote work



Riwals is the result of my persistence in believing that somehow I could bring my artwork into the web. This project is anchored in the Yin&Yang concept, and this one-man-band type of studio dates my entry into the creative roller coaster.

My role

Logo Design & Brand Identity • Illustration • Photography • Graphic Design • UI&UX Design • Web Design & Development


Final Client

Personal Project





Create a strong brand identity and visual language.


Create a business-like portfolio website.


Use digital paintings instead of vector illustrations.

Storyfellah memoji challenge

The Challenge

With an increasing supply of creative services worldwide, the necessity to narrow down in a niche and show proof of quality work, dedication and professionalism comes down to have an accessible portfolio showcase.

Storyfellah memoji solution

The Solution

With only a collection of self-directed works I position myself as a professional and expose my creative process as a Digital Artist and Product Designer.

Storyfellah memoji research


I started to study what other agencies and small studios were featuring on their platforms, and I found that vector illustrations were more mainstreaming. Digital paintings, on the other hand, were being put aside.

With the object to convert leads to clients, I created two personas based on two possible scenarios and used the How Hight We strategy to brainstorm some ideas for the brand to communicate simultaneously with these characters.

HR Manager

Persona Image


Working in human resources, he has the responsibility of finding the best talents to increase business quality.


To understand prospects’ creative thinking process.

To feel confidence with prospects’ work ethics.


Trouble understanding creative process due to lacking of in-dept information.

Unfiltered information can be time consuming and difficult to understand


Dedication and responsibility taking.

Authentic solutions and visuals.

Projects with proven results.

Business Owner

Persona Image


An entrepreneur that sells products and services in a physical store and uses the web to reach a broader and worldwide  audience.


Confidence in spending money on creative services.

Quality designs and business communication support.


Can’t spend agency-like money.

Pandemic created the necessity to have a stronger online presence.


Dedication and responsibility taking.

Authentic solutions and visuals.

Time management skills, discipline and results.

Logo image

The Brand

"Shadows cannot exist without light"

Yin&Yang is the balance between opposites, which represent the core of my entrepreneurial development. As symbol, the initials of my name reinforce my duality between the two opposites: art and design.

Storyfellah memoji celebration

Final Thoughts

The platform was launched in 2020 and as my first full-pack project example  it will remain available for reference, and is still featuring all my first projects.


You loved this project and would like to support my work? Then order your favourite from the store! 🎁