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Product Design

Visual Design

Concept Design

Digital Design

User Experience (user flow, personas, research)

User Interface Design & Prototyping

Responsive Web Design & Development with Webflow

UI & UX App Design


Logo Design & Brand Identity

Identity System

Print Design


Digital Painting

Vector Illustration

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for freelance and remote work



eMuggi is a POD (print on demand) project that was created with the intent of exploring the impact of social media content on sales. The core of this project aims to contribute to more playful and funny moments around others. These mugs are perfect to steal some laughs from guest in your home or to send meaningful and funny gifts to your loved ones and with lots of personality.

My role

Logo Design & Brand Identity • Illustration • Graphic Design • UI&UX Design • Web Design & Development


Final Client

Personal Project





Create a strong brand identity and visual language.


Create an e-commerce landing page.


Build a community for the brand on social media.

Storyfellah memoji challenge

The Challenge

In order to get a better understanding of how social media content impacts sales, I wanted a product to sell without investing money upfront.

Storyfellah memoji solution

The Solution

Creating a POD business partnership with Redbubble, I chose one of their best selling products to market and created designs to sustain the project needs.

Storyfellah memoji research


I found that coffee mugs rank in the top 5 best selling products on Redbubble - which was my platform of choice to open this store.

I also noticed that most mug designs are there to convey messages and the most common designs are phrases. I conducted a small study with up to 10 people and they didn’t enjoy the fact that “they're just phrases but with different topics".

I decided to use the How Hight We strategy to brainstorm some ideas for the mug designs.

Creative Pro

Persona Image


She is a writer and loves to begin the work with a couple of inspirational sips of hot coffee. In the evening, she then boils some tea to take while she reads until falling asleep.


A friendly face that can inspire and sparkle new ideas.

A companion to vent and hold their drink.


Phrases tend to convey a single point.

Feeling too lonely in their thoughts and having hard time self-comfort.


Dedication and responsibility taking.

Authentic solutions and visuals.

Projects with proven results.

Creative Kids

Persona Image

Ron and Don

Kids love to express their love to each other and they tend to define the things through their memories. When they offer, or receive gifts, they want to feel heard and important.


Playful moments and bonding.

To belong in a group while having tailored belongings.


Clean mugs tend to feel boring.

Creating relationships with characters they see on TV, not their own.


To feel heard, valued and respected about who they are.

Cartoons and funny memories.

Logo image

The Brand

Personalities convey different belief systems and people tend to navigate towards environments that best fit their values. With this in mind, I used the emojis as inspiration for the mug designs.

Storyfellah memoji celebration

Final Thoughts

The platform was launched in 2022 and even though the website is not an e-commerce website, I plan to add the checkout and shipping pages later on.


You loved this project and would like to support my work? Then order your favourite from the store! 🎁