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If you have a question, feedback or project in mind, you can fill the form on the right or send me an email to storyfellah@gmail.com.

I’ll get back to you in 2-3 business days.

Product Design

Visual Design

Concept Design

Digital Design

User Experience (user flow, personas, research)

User Interface Design & Prototyping

Responsive Web Design & Development with Webflow

UI & UX App Design


Logo Design & Brand Identity

Identity System

Print Design


Digital Painting

Vector Illustration

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for freelance and remote work


I’m Pedro 🖐️ a multidisciplinary designer operating at the intersection of Brand Identity and Digital Product Design.

I design for startups and small businesses by crafting meaningful experiences for every user.

Pedro Diogo Cartoon (fade out)

The Fellah.

Thorough, analytical and dedicated. I enhance projects by exploring their essence with you.

i Love Stories

Every startup or company is different and my job is to know enough about your business and vision to come up with valuable solutions.

I care about details

The core of my works focuses on connections. I care about the process, the content, the visuals and how it all makes you feel.

I get things done

Sometimes unexpected things happen but it is my priority to find a way to handle it so that no major consequences come up.

I put my back into it

Dedication, hard work plus patience. Around here, no decision is made blindly and I push my skills to the edge at every opportunity.


Logo Design & Brand Identity

System & Guides

Visual Communication

Print Design


Digital Painting

Vector Illustration

Product Design

User Experience (user flow, personas, research)

Visual Design

Conceptual Design

digital design

User Interface Design & Prototyping

Responsive Web Design & Development with Webflow

Mobile UI & UX Design